
Invest in your professional growth.

Welcome to the Blue Lake Christian Writers Conference!

Here, we are dedicated to nurturing writers of all levels through a comprehensive range of classes and workshops tailored to meet your writing needs. Whether you’re exploring fiction or nonfiction, our programming is meticulously designed to foster growth and mastery in your chosen genre.

Diverse Learning Formats

Our continuing classes span three days, each offering new material to deepen your understanding and enhance your skills. Additionally, we host workshops that range from one to two days, perfect for those seeking focused, intensive learning experiences.

Each class and workshop is an opportunity to learn from seasoned professionals and connect with fellow writers in a supportive and inspiring setting. Join us to transform your writing and take your craft to new heights at the Blue Lake Christian Writers Conference.

Available Classes

Bob Hostetler

Create a Winning One-Sheet 

A one-page summary of your book is an essential tool for selling your work. In this session, you’ll learn how to create an effective one-sheet, and you’ll also receive one full-color print of your final version, ready to pitch to the faculty at the conference.


Jane Daly

Making the Most of Your 15-Minute Appointment

The moment of sitting down with an agent or editor can be nerve-wracking and intimidating. Fear not! With careful preparation, you will be able to confidently showcase your unique selling proposition to your dream agent. Together, we will deconstruct your big concept into a concise, attention-grabbing thirty-second commercial, before expanding it into a compelling short pitch. This is your chance to shine! 


Edwina Perkins


You’re here! Now what? Whether this is your first conference, first time at the Blue Lake Christian Writers Conference, or a seasoned conference attendee, there is always something to gain from going to the orientation. Come learn the who, what, where, why, and when of the conference to help you navigate with confidence.



Laine Craft

Harnessing the Potential of AI without Compromise 

Are you ready to take your ministry to the next level? Join us for a groundbreaking teaching–a must-attend event for Christian authors in the digital age. This transformative session will equip you with:

  1. Practical AI applications for research, writing, and outreach
  2. Ethical guidelines for AI use in Christian literature
  3. Strategies for deepening your spiritual connection through technology
  4. Insights into the future of AI in Christian publishing

Don’t miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of a new era in Christian authorship. Learn how to harness AI’s power while staying faithful to your divine calling.


Bob Hostetler

Writing Nonfiction 

Writing all forms of nonfiction, from newspapers and magazines to books.


Jill Roman Lord

Children’s Track—Picture Book Secrets 

Learn how to turn your fabulous children’s story into a publishable picture book! We’ll discuss the basics of picture books, structure, the methods of lay-out, how to impress an editor, and the secrets of making your picture book publishable.


Marilyn Turk

Finding the Fun in Fiction

Discover Your What-–Genres, Tropes, and Trends, Oh my! What do these words mean and why should you care? Different types of fiction writing, story lines and formats.

Discover Your How-–The leg bone’s connected to the hip bone, etc. How to find the necessary parts of a novel and put them together.

Discover Your Why–Why are you doing this? Motivation, inspiration and affirmation, what all writers need.



Cheri Cowell

Evaluating Your Publishing Options 

We’ll discuss traditional publishing, answer some forbidden questions, and look at the many options for self, independent, co-publishing, and partnership publishing. As someone with her foot in both worlds, Cheri can help you evaluate your options.


Writing and Publishing Memoirs 

Do you have a story to share? Would it make a good memoir? Learn the do’s and don’ts of sharing your story, how to craft a good memoir, and how to get it published. 


Top Twenty Tips for Dynamic Devotional Writing

Are you writing devotionals for your friends or church and want to turn those into published pieces? Have you read a published devotion and thought, “I could have written that?” Having written over 600 devotions, Cheri will share her top twenty tips for developing and writing dynamic devotions that will sell.


Ginny Cruz

Social Media Tips for Writers

If you’re a writer who cringes at the idea of building a social media platform, this workshop is for you. In this class, you’ll discover why you need social media (even when you think you don’t), how to find your audience, effective ways to post consistently, and most importantly, how to view social media as a ministry.


Jane Daly

Those Pesky Book Proposals 

Your hard work has paid off–an agent or editor has invited you to send them a proposal! This is a major milestone and one step closer to realizing your dream of becoming a published author. But what exactly should be included in a professional proposal? Whether your work is fiction or nonfiction, a well-crafted proposal can make all the difference in catching the attention of literary professionals and getting your book on its way to being published. In this workshop, we’ll dive into the essential elements of a successful proposal

and how they may vary depending on your genre and target audience.


Finding Your Voice

Like music, writing holds the power to showcase one’s unique voice. Just as a singer’s tone and style can be easily recognized, so too can a writer’s voice be identified. However, like any skill, discovering your writing voice takes practice and dedication. In this workshop, we will embark on a journey to guide you through various exercises aimed at helping you uncover your own unique writing voice.


Creating Dynamic Dialogue

Do you grapple with the challenge of crafting realistic dialogue? Are your characters’ conversations driving the plot forward or falling flat? The words spoken, as well as those left unsaid, can be used to ignite tension in every scene. Moreover, dialogue offers a powerful tool for revealing each character’s distinct personality. In this workshop, we will dive into the art of crafting dynamic dialogue and how to identify and overcome common pitfalls in the process.


Jesse Florea

Begin and End with a Bang

Studies show you have less than 15 seconds to grab a reader’s attention. An intriguing lead may be the difference between publication and rejection. This workshop will look at different types of leads. It will also help you stop your story at the right place. Note: All attendees are encouraged to bring a first page from a manuscript that will be read anonymously and critiqued during the session.


Do’s and Don’ts of Writing for Children 

Kids are taught to follow rules. And to write for children, you should follow some rules too. By learning these do’s and don’ts, you’ll have a better chance of creating stories that will catch an editor’s eye and eventually entertain a child. You’ll find out audience insights and felt needs, writing tips, industry trends, the use of humor, and more.


Writing for Focus on the Family

As a 30-year veteran of working at Focus on the Family, Jesse will share about all the different opportunities to write for this ministry. And it’s not just magazines! From newsletters to marriage, parenting, and sanctity of life stories for the Web, Focus on the Family has lots of opportunities for new—and experienced—writers. 


Linda Gilden

The Shy Marketer

Do you have friends who have just released a book and they are out there selling away? You see them mixing with people and telling them all about their book, encouraging them to purchase a copy for themselves. But maybe you are not comfortable with that method. Discover creative marketing strategies for promoting your book, even if you’re an introvert. Learn effective techniques to spread the word about your new release and boost your sales.


Make Money Marketing Your Book through Article Writing

Articles are a great way to build your platform and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Writing articles can also generate publicity for your book and other writing. Learn how to use article writing to take your career  to the next level, increase your visibility as an author, get you a regular paycheck, and so much more. This class will provide a comprehensive overview of article writing and its benefits for authors across all genres.


Linda Goldfarb

Become a Speaker of Excellence

A speaker of excellence knows how to own their literal platform, they can produce a talk at a moment’s notice, and they plan for the unthinkable. In this workshop, Linda shares decades of knowledge and speaking strategies to help you excel as a speaker.


How to Excel as an Interview Guest

If you write or speak professionally, you will have the opportunity to be interviewed via podcasts, television, blogs, and radio. Hosts seek guests who can make a difference in their audiences’ lives. Linda’s L.I.S.T. interview elements help you craft meaningful questions that fulfill your promise-based interview topics.


Podcasting 101

Linda is a 10-year talk-radio veteran and current host of the two-time award-winning podcast Your Best Writing Life on iTunes and numerous podcasting platforms. Before you step behind the mic, gain an insider’s insight into the world of podcasting—shorten your learning curve before investing your finances.


Katherine Hutchinson Hayes 

Successful Authors Love Poetry: Improve Your Writing with 7 Powerful Poetic Techniques 

Join us for a poetry workshop designed to enhance your writing skills and tap into your full creative potential. In this class, we’ll explore the power of poetry as a means of unlocking our full creative potential as authors. Through hands-on exercises, we’ll explore works of poetry and learn how to think in new and innovative ways, ultimately strengthening our prose writing.


The Intersection of Poetry and Identity 

This poetry workshop is intended for experienced poets and those interested in exploring the craft. During the workshop, attendees will have access to a wide range of topics and prompts to help them create original and thought-provoking poems. In addition, poets will be encouraged to share their poetry with other attendees and receive constructive feedback that will help them improve their writing. This workshop is a great opportunity for anyone who loves poetry and wants to develop their skills in a supportive, creative environment. Participants will have the opportunity to share their work at a poetry slam event where they can present their creations on Thursday evening by a campfire.


Killer Dialogue for Fiction Writers: Take Your Characters to the Next Level 

Are you a fiction writer who wants to take your dialogue to the next level? Look no further! This hands-on workshop will teach you practical techniques to write dialogue that will captivate your readers and keep them engaged throughout your story. We’ll explore the art of writing dialogue that sounds authentic and moves your story forward. We’ll discuss how to infuse your characters’ beliefs and values into their dialogue, and how to avoid common pitfalls that can make dialogue feel flat and unrealistic. You’ll have the opportunity to practice writing dialogue and receive feedback from fellow writers. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, this class is perfect for any fiction writer looking to take their writing to the next level.


John Herring

Writing Bible Studies for Small Groups

Are you looking to create Bible studies for publication that inspire and transform? Join us for “Writing Bible Studies for Small Groups,” where we’ll explore how to bring the depth of Scripture to life in ways that engage the heart, mind, and soul. This session is designed to help you rediscover the passion and power of the Bible. Whether you’re leading a small group or teaching a large class, you’ll learn how to craft Bible studies that go beyond surface-level discussions and spark genuine transformation.


Publishing Industry Update

Join us for an insightful exploration of the key trends shaping the Christian publishing industry today. Dr. John Herring, will guide us through an engaging discussion. His thoughtful analysis will cover a range of topics, including:

  1. Introduction to Christian Publishing: From the spread of the Bible to modern-day innovations.
  2. Market Trends: Discover the global Christian publishing landscape, the growth of digital platforms, and trends in popular genres.
  3. Key Players: Learn about major publishers and influential authors shaping the field today.
  4. Challenges Facing the Industry: How digital disruption, market saturation, and changing demographics influence the industry.
  5. Opportunities and Future Directions: Explore the exciting potential for technology, global expansion, and new genres.
  6. This talk promises to offer valuable insights for anyone interested in Christian literature, whether you’re a reader, writer, or industry professional.


Mike Logan

Holiness and Writing

Have you ever felt incapable and inadequate of being called to be a “mouthpiece of the Lord” through your writing? Have feelings of unworthiness crept into your mindset to sabotage your writing discipline? If you’ve felt this way, how did you resolve it? Or are you still wrestling with it? Come discover that the call to write is also a call to holiness. He does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.


Alice Murray

Public Domain Fiction

Find a whole new world of potential writing topics from works in the public domain where no copyright coverage exists. Learn the basics of copyright coverage as well as how books enter the public domain, where to find them, and how to use them. Writers can draw on the already existing reader audience for a public domain work to give them a head start to being successful with their own book.


Susan Neal

Develop an Effective Lead Magnet

Join us as we take you through the process of crafting a lead magnet from conception to completion. This workshop will cover the essentials of creating a compelling lead magnet, designing an attractive landing page on your website, and seamlessly integrating it with your email marketing system for optimal lead capture and engagement.


Unlock the Secret to Boosting Your Book Reviews

One of the most critical tasks an author can do for their book is getting at least 50 Amazon book reviews. It took me two years to obtain that many reviews, but now, 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates, has over 1400 Amazon reviews. Securing a substantial number of book reviews is a pivotal milestone for any author, opening doors to heightened credibility and visibility. In this workshop, you will be guided through effective strategies and techniques designed to significantly increase the review count for your book.


Edwina Perkins

Diversity in Manuscripts

The number of books with ethnic characters has risen over the last few years. Because publishing houses are looking for more diversity in what authors are submitting, non-ethnic writers need to address some important issues when addressing diversity in their manuscripts. It is important to remember your most valuable ability as a writer is your credibility. This workshop focuses on the impact of writing about a culture outside of your own and offers information to help authors write with authenticity in their manuscripts.


The Importance of Fiction Techniques in Nonfiction Books

Engage the reader from the first word. Like a fiction book, a great non-fiction book draws the reader in from the start. We’ll look at how some fiction-writing techniques can create more engaging and impactful nonfiction books.


Marci Seither

Create a Mission Statement

Have you ever had the “deer in the headlights” moment when asked what you are writing? Creating a strong mission statement for you as a writer as well as for your project will give you the succinct words to convey who you are, why you are qualified to write about your topic, and how it will educate, entertain, or inspire readers. In this class we will create a powerful personal mission statement that leaves a lasting impression on your readers as well as editors and agents.


Brainstorming Basics

Brainstorming is one of the most valuable activities a writer can do BEFORE putting their thoughts down on paper. Brainstorming stretches the imagination beyond linear thinking, explores writing and topic possibilities and taps into creative marketing. This is a fun and interactive class where we will not only learn the basics of brainstorming, but will use at least one attendee’s project to brainstorm in class.


Make The Connection: Building a Relationship with Your Audience

Learning to connect with your audience is a big part of platform building. Most writers tend to be on the introvert side, making this an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t need to be. Understanding the felt needs of your audience or a podcaster’s audience will help open doors in a way that is authentic and ultimately provides an opportunity to share what you are writing without feeling like you are part of a SPAM network.


Marilyn Turk

Designing Devotions to Deliver God’s Truth 

Learn how to share biblical truths in a logical, organized manner so people can understand it.

This class will cover:

  1. Devotions–what they are (and are not).
  2. Describe a real experience–yours or someone else’s. 
  3. Decide which Bible verse relates.
  4. Deliver the spiritual truth  that connects the two.
  5. Display the devotion in the correct format. 



Bob Hostetler

A Writer’s Dream

A powerful dramatic address on the eternal impact of the Christian writer.  


Linda Goldfarb

Managing Conflict in a Changing World 

We are not of this world … but living in it can be a struggle. Personality expert and board-certified life coach Linda Goldfarb shares how clarifying our biblical perspective can transform moments of conflict into seasons of progress.


Jesse Florea

Sacredness of Words

God uses the power of words and His Word to change society and shape our lives. Through personal experiences, especially the difficult ones, we’re able to reach out to others with life-changing words. God uniquely equips each writer with a message He wants to tell. But to do this, we must lean into Jesus and grow closer to Him. Not only should we be obedient to God, but also the craft of writing. Through faith, hard work and perseverance, we can create stories that give people what their souls truly yearn for.



Edwina Perkins

A Call to Write
Are you confident in identifying yourself as a writer? Does the term feel unfamiliar or seem implausible? It is common to grapple with doubt when we seek to discern our purpose at various points. Writing is not solely an artistic challenge; it also presents intellectual and spiritual complexities. We’ll explore the process of identifying your purpose as a writer and how to navigate through uncertainties. It is essential to acknowledge you write because you were meant to write.


Linda Gilden

The Importance of Articles in Your Writing Career

If you are just starting out as a writer, where do you begin? There are a lot of choices out there but probably the best way to start is with articles. Why? There are a number of reasons for that. First of all, articles are a great way to learn to write, you can share your expertise, and so much more. In the process of learning how to do this you will learn so much about the publishing industry.