

I know what it’s like to be in the position of needing to request a scholarship. Because I do, I wish I could offer everyone a full scholarship—no questions asked, but because Blue Lake CWR has a budget that is met almost solely from registration fees, BLCWR can only offer up to 50% off the registration fee to a limited number of people based on need and donations to our scholarship fund. Paid critiques and transportation are not included.

Scholarship recipients may be asked to assist in areas needed at the conference.

Before requesting a scholarship, please prayerfully consider the following options:

l. Ask the Lord to show you what He expects you to contribute toward your registration fee. If you do not need 50% off your registration fee to be able to come, please request a smaller amount.

2. Share your need with your pastor, Sunday school class, small group, or a Christian friend.

3. Consider working to cover some of the cost of your scholarship. Please note any special skills you have on the scholarship application.

4. Help distribute conference info to churches in your area and encourage your friends to come. We will credit you $25 toward your registration fee for every person not on our mailing list who registers because he learned about the conference through you. When he registers, ask him to put your name in the Comments box on the bottom of the online registration form. At the same time you have the joy of knowing God has used you to get information to people who would not otherwise have known about the conference.

Scholarships will be awarded on a first come basis so the sooner you apply, the better opportunity you will have to be chosen.

Please answer the following questions.

Marilyn Turk, Director

“I’m so excited to offer a quality writers conference to fellow writers in southern Alabama and the Florida panhandle! While attending a retreat at Blue Lake, God impressed on my heart that Blue Lake was the perfect place for a writers retreat—one that would minister to the needs of writers in that region. His hand has been on this project from day one, gathering together a wonderful faculty from Christian publishing. I look forward to sharing this experience with you!”

Marilyn Turk has been published in Guideposts magazine, Guideposts books – A Joyful Heart and A Cup of Christmas Cheer, The Upper Room, Clubhouse Jr. Magazine, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and Lighthouse Digest magazine. Her Coastal Lights Legacy series features stories set around lighthouses. Her book, Lighthouse Devotions was published in 2015, and in March 2016, The Gilded Curse, a historical suspense novel, was published by Heritage Beacon, an imprint of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. Her weekly lighthouse blog can be found at

She lives in Florida with husband Chuck and enjoys boating, fishing, tennis, and gardening when she’s not climbing lighthouses or playing with her grandsons.