Ten Helpful Tips to Enrich Your Conference Experience

Blue Lake is the perfect place for a writers conference! This peaceful retreat, nestled underneath the longleaf pines and dogwoods of the Conecuh National Forest, is ideal for deep learning and soul-moving fellowship. While the scene is restful, powerful opportunities await that can move your writing forward.

Whether it’s your first writer’s conference or not, there are things you can do to enhance your conference experience. Writing is a journey and, like any other, requires proper preparation.

Here are ten helpful tips to enrich your experience:

  1. Pray – Ask God to guide your decisions regarding classes, appointments, mentors, contests, etc. Pray before you arrive and during the conference. Expect God to place the right people in your path and be open to Him changing your plans.
  2. Dress the part – While Blue Lake is a casual setting, you’ll want to dress business casual. When you meet with publishers or editors to pitch your work, you want to show you’re a professional. Feel free to wear comfortable walking shoes.
  3. Bring business cards – Your card should include a professional headshot (if possible), contact information, and all social media accounts. These cards are how industry professionals and fellow attendees will remember you after the conference. Hand out and collect as many as you can. When you return home, connect on all social media accounts.
  4. Mingle – Most writers are introverts, so most of us are making ourselves socialize. You want to take advantage of rubbing shoulders with industry professionals and fellow writers. Divine connections often occur while waiting for a meal, having morning coffee on the couch, or in your classes.
  5. Pace yourself – There are tons of classes, and you may want to attend them all. Again, pray for direction and listen to your body. If you need some quiet time, take it. A short walk down to the lake can provide an energizing respite.
  6. Encourage others – We’re all on God’s team. He has the right path for each of us, so encourage and root for fellow writers’ success. Look for opportunities to pray or speak with others who feel discouraged or overwhelmed.
  7. Be yourself – God has already given you the path forward, and you are where you should be. Relax and be yourself.
  8. Be on time – When it comes to appointments, you should be early to pray and prepare. All attendees have vital business to accomplish. Respect the time of instructors, industry professionals, and each other.
  9. Give thanks – Thank your instructors, other professionals, and support staff you meet. If possible, send handwritten cards or thoughtful emails after the conference. Show gratitude.
  10. Follow up – After the conference, take time to rest. Then, ask God to guide you to your next right step. Connect on social media with all you met to build your platform. If an editor or agent requests you send in work, send it.

Get ready for a life-changing time at Blue Lake. God will be there. The faculty and staff are finalizing their preparations, and we look forward to our time together.

And most of all, we want you to be ready when God opens your next door. So, prepare.