

Weigh Your Priorities

by Faculty Member Connie Stevens

Connie Stevens

Connie Stevens

When you are registering for a conference or a retreat, what do you hope to accomplish? What are your goals? If you list the different reasons for attending conference, how do you prioritize your needs? Certainly the cost comes into consideration–the price of the conference as well as the traveling expense. Stretching your conference dollar is important to get the most for your money. Depending on the size of the conference, you might network with other writers, or identify specific areas of your writing that need improvement. You may want to learn how to use social media to your advantage, or how to build or broaden your platform or extend your reader base. Some of you might seek to branch out in a different direction and desire advice from experienced writers who have navigated the waters.

By all means peruse the list of available classes and workshops, and weigh the potential benefit of each. Analyze the description of the material to be covered. Which class or workshop might give your writing the boost it needs. Every attendee’s priorities will be different because we’re all at different places in our writing journeys.

We are in this together–you, the attendee and we, the faculty. So how does a director or faculty member put together a program or syllabus to meet the various needs of each attendee?

Well, first we pray. And then we listen.

When I was asked to be on the faculty of the Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat, I also had priorities. My first thought was, Lord, what do You want me to say to these people? How do You want to use me? Can I be a blessing to someone? As a faculty member, I have a responsibility to present understandable, usable material you can take away and incorporate into your writing. My goal is to infect writers with contagious excitement. If you leave my workshops with an air of readiness and expectation of moving your writing to the next level, I’ve done my job.

So I spoke with several writers, both published and pre-published, and asked what are some of their biggest difficulties when writing. As I weighed their answers over the course of a couple of weeks, God spoke clearly, and my prayer is that God will meet the needs of the attendees the way He met my need as I let Him direct my thoughts. As you prioritize your conference goals, ask God to direct you, and then study the class and workshop descriptions.

I’m leading two workshops at the retreat. One is on brainstorming your story: Seize the “What if”, and the other is on showing vs telling, and going deeper into your character’s POV: Fire the Narrator.


Seize the “What if”– Brainstorming 101. How do you dig up ideas and ultimately narrow down your focus for a story? Brainstorming a story is one of my favorite things about writing, and my imagination can kick into overdrive. But brainstorming isn’t just about the plot. It’s about knowing your characters and their personalities, their past, and their goals. It’s about creating circumstances to throw obstacles in their way and weaving threads for them to untangle.

Narrator behind curtain

Narrator behind curtain

Fire the Narrator takes showing vs telling to the next level. One of the first things we learn as beginning writers is the difference between showing and telling. My Fire the Narrator workshop will help writers weasel out that pesky narrator’s voice in between the lines of dialogue. After all, it’s not the narrator’s story, is it? It’s your characters’ story, so let them tell it.


I’m looking forward to meeting you at the retreat and exchanging ideas. And as I finalize my teaching materials, I’m still listening for God’s voice, because He is the ultimate Teacher.

2017-05-18T15:40:47-05:00February 8th, 2017|

Spring is just around the corner!

Are you looking forward to the springtime, when we welcome the colors of new growth and say goodbye to drab winter?

I am, because the Blue Lake Christian Retreat is going to be held during that time. What better time to experience new growth in our writing and be inspired to produce more “fruit?”

For those of you unfamiliar with Blue Lake, it’s about an hour north of the sandy beaches of Destin, Florida, on the beautiful Gulf of Mexico. If you have a chance to see it before or after the retreat, you should do so. March is also a time when the beach gets busy with spring breakers, so I recommend Henderson Beach State Park as a good place to go to avoid the wild college students.

You never know what kind of temperatures we’ll have in March, but Blue lake will probably be in the 60’s-70’s, cool enough for a sweater, but warm enough to enjoy a walk in the woodsy setting.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at emeraldcoastchristianwriters@gmail.com. I can’t wait to meet you!

2017-01-23T11:56:47-06:00January 23rd, 2017|

Would You Help Us Spread the News?

As we prepare for the conference, one of the things we really need help with is getting the word out. This is the first Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat, and we would love it if you could assist us in letting others know about this wonderful opportunity for writers. Please share these with your Facebook friends.

Facebook Posts {copy and paste into your Facebook status}:

Want to write a novel? Curious about writing magazine articles? Wonder what all that “writer language” means? Join us at the Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat March 22 – 25, 2017. Our award-winning faculty and professionals will be there to help. For more information, visit: https://bluelakecwr.com/

Could you use a writerly getaway? Want to take a few writing classes at a reasonable price? We’ve got the solution! Join us for the Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat March 22 – 25, 2017. For more information, visit: https://bluelakecwr.com/

I’m looking forward to the first annual Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat! Faculty include Eva Marie Everson, Kim Vogel Sawyer, Dan Walsh, Susan King, Cecil Murphey, Jim Watkins, and Connie Stevens. For more info and to register, visit: https://bluelakecwr.com/

2017-02-07T12:02:30-06:00January 27th, 2016|

Welcome to the Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat Blog!

Hello Everyone!

We are super excited to be rolling out the Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat in March 2017. We have an incredible faculty lined up who are ready to share their great writing knowledge and wisdom with us. Registration is now live, and we look forward to hosting you!

We will begin posting to the blog in February, sharing conference prep tips with you such as what to bring, what to prepare ahead of time, what to leave home, how to prepare for 15-minute appointments with faculty members, and so much more. We hope you’ll check in to find out news, tips, and what to expect.

Until then, feel free to explore the site and register for the conference.

2017-05-18T15:40:47-05:00January 22nd, 2016|
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